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Web sites
ATLAS (R&D Needs for renewable ; DG XVII) :
Prospect for Offshore Wind Energy (Altener project, PDF file download) :
Wind Force 10 (data on employment, avoided pollution for offshore/onshore wind, PDF file download) :
Greenpeace Germany (see in the Wind section of the page : report on North Sea Offshore Wind, PDF download) :
OWEN site (UK, number of reports, articles, downloads)
ETSU study on offshore impacts (see et the end the page documents to download) :
List of approved projects in FP5 (EC, with offshore projects involving GHP, GL,…)
Zephyr-project: Implementing short term prediction at utilities. (joint project of Risoe and IMM (Institute for Mathematical Modelling at the Danish Technical University, RAL 9UK), ELSAM/ELKRAFT, WECTEC (USA), E. David Consult (USA), OEM (USA), EU JOULER funded project JOR3-CT95-0008)
(Contract number EVK2-1999-00248). The objective of the project is to obtain a wind, wave, sea-level and current climatology for European Waters and coastal seas for application in coastal and environmental decision processes.
ANEMONE: A NEW GENERATION MODEL COMPLEX FOR WIND Energy Forecasting. A Joint project of SERG (UCC Ireland), IMM (DTU, Denmark), DMI (Denmark), CIEMAT (Spain), University of Oldenburg (Germany), Risoe (Denmark).
Other international projects can be found in the IEA Report (see below).
Wind Forecasting Techniques , 33 Meeting of Experts, Technical Report from the International Energy Agency, R&D Wind, Ed. S.-E. Thor, FFA, Sweden, 77-85, July (2000).
European Wind Energy Conference Wind Energy for the nect Millenium. Proceedings of the European Wind enery Conference, Nice, France, march 1999. Edited by Petersen, E.L., Jensen, P.H., Rave, K., Helm, P., Ehmann, H. ISBN 190291600, Printed in the UK by Asntony Lowe Ltd., 1999.
European Wind Energy. Proceedings of the European Wind enery Conference, Dublin, Ireland, October 1997, Ed. R. Watson, Published by the Irish Wind Energy Association. ISBN 09533922 0 1, 1998.
Srensen, P.; Hauge Madsen, P.; Vikkels, A.; Jensen, K.K.; Fathima, K.A.; Unnikrishnan, A.K.; Lakaparampil, Z.V., Power quality and integration of wind farms in weak grids in India. Ris-R-1172(EN) (2000) 65 p. (Full text version downloadable from Risoes webpage
Conference proceedings and publications (including reports and books)
Watson, G.M.; Halliday, J.A.; Palutikof, J.P.; Holt, T.; Barthelmie, R.J.; Coelingh, J.P.; Folkerts, L.; Wiegerinck, G.F.M.; Zuylen, E.J. van; Cleijne, J.W.; Hommel, G.C.S., POWER - A methodology for predicting offshore wind energy resources. In: Offshore wind energy in Mediterranean and other European seas: Technology and potential applications. Proceedings. OWEMES 2000. European seminar, Siracusa (IT), 13-15 Apr 2000. (ENEA, Roma, 2000) p. 109-120
Barthelmie, R.J., Measurements and modelling of coastal meteorology. In: Offshore wind energy in Mediterranean and other European seas: Technology and potential applications. Proceedings. OWEMES 2000. European seminar, Siracusa (IT), 13-15 Apr 2000. (ENEA, Roma, 2000) p. 45-59
Pryor, S.C.; Barthelmie, R.J., Flow characteristics in the coastal zone. In: Offshore wind energy in Mediterranean and other European seas: Technology and potential applications. Proceedings. OWEMES 2000. European seminar, Siracusa (IT), 13-15 Apr 2000. (ENEA, Roma, 2000) p. 29-43
Landberg, L., On-line prediction of wind farm power output. In: Conference proceedings (on CD-ROM). WindPower 2000, Palm Springs, CA (US), 30 Apr - 4 May 2000. (American Wind Energy Association, Washington, DC, 2000) 10 p.
Lange, B.; Hjstrup, J., The influence of waves on the wind resource in near-shore waters. In: Tagungsband. 5.Deutsche Windenergiekonferenz DEWEK 2000, Wilhelmshaven (DE), 7-8 Jun 2000. (Deutsches Windenergie-Institut GmbH, Wilhelmshaven, 2000) p. 230-233
Waldl, H.-P.; Giebel, G., Einfluss des dnischen und des deutschen Wettervorhersagemodells auf die Qualitt einer 48-Stunden-Windleistungsprognose. In: Tagungsband. 5. Deutsche Windenergiekonferenz DEWEK 2000, Wilhelmshaven (DE), 7-8 Jun 2000. (Deutsches Windenergie-Institut GmbH, Wilhelmshaven, 2000) p. 145-148
Barthelmie, R.J., Developing a coastal discontinuity model for the power project. In: Wind energy 1999: Wind power comes of age. 21. British Wind Energy Association conference (BWEA 21), Cambridge (GB), 1-3 Sep 1999. Hinson, P. (ed.), (Professional Engineering Publishing, Bury St Edmunds, 2000) p. 403-404
Landberg, L.; Joensen, A.; Giebel, G.; Madsen, H.; Nielsen, T.S., Short-term prediction towards the 21st century. In:Wind energy 1999: Wind power comes of age. 21. British Wind Energy Association conference (BWEA 21), Cambridge (GB), 1-3 Sep 1999. Hinson, P. (ed.), (Professional Engineering Publishing, Bury St Edmunds, 2000) p. 371-376
Barthelmie, R.J., Monitoring offshore wind and turbulence characteristics in Denmark. In: Wind energy 1999: Wind power comes of age. 21. British Wind Energy Association conference (BWEA 21), Cambridge (GB), 1-3 Sep 1999.Hinson, P. (ed.), (Professional Engineering Publishing, Bury St Edmunds, 2000) p. 311-321
Barthelmie, R.J.; Lange, B.; Sempreviva, A.M.; Rathmann, O., Application of WAsP to offshore wind power prediction. In: Wind energy 1999: Wind power comes of age. 21. British Wind Energy Association conference (BWEA 21), Cambridge (GB), 1-3 Sep 1999. Hinson, P. (ed.), (Professional Engineering Publishing, Bury St Edmunds, 2000) p. 301-309
Giebel, G.; Landberg, L.; Joensen, A.; Nielsen, T.S.; Madsen, H., Das Zephyr-Projekt - eine neue Phase der Kurzzeitprognose. In: Tagungsband. 5. Deutsche Windenergiekonferenz DEWEK 2000, Wilhelmshaven (DE), 7-8 Jun 2000. (Deutsches Windenergie-Institut GmbH, Wilhelmshaven, 2000) p. 158-161
Giebel, G., The value of distributed generation in Europe to utilities. In: Tagungsband. 5. Deutsche Windenergiekonferenz DEWEK 2000, Wilhelmshaven (DE), 7-8 Jun 2000. (Deutsches Windenergie-Institut GmbH, Wilhelmshaven, 2000) p. 140-144
Watson, G.M.; Halliday, J.A.; Palutikof, J.P.; Holt, T.; Barthelmie, R.J.; Coelingh, J.P.; Folkerts, L.; Zuylen, E.J. van; Cleijne, J.W., POWER - A methodology for predicting offshore wind energy resources. In: Wind energy 1999: Wind power comes of age. 21. British Wind Energy Association conference (BWEA 21), Cambridge (GB), 1-3 Sep 1999. Hinson, P. (ed.), (Professional Engineering Publishing, Bury St Edmunds, 2000) p. 357-362
Astrup, P.; Larsen, S.E.; Rathmann, O.; Hauge Madsen, P.; Hjstrup, J., WAsP engineering - Wind flow modelling over land and sea. In: Wind engineering into the 21. century. Vol. 1. 10. International conference on wind engineering (10. ICWE), Copenhagen (DK), 21-24 Jun 1999. Larsen, A.; Larose, G.L.; Livesey, F.M. (eds.), (A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, 1999) p. 179-184
Landberg, L., Short-term prediction of local wind conditions. In: Wind engineering into the 21. century. Vol. 3. 10. International conference on wind engineering (10. ICWE), Copenhagen (DK), 21-24 Jun 1999. Larsen, A.; Larose, G.L.; Livesey, F.M. (eds.), (A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, 1999) p. 1997-2003
Lange, B.; Hjstrup, J., Estimation of offshore wind resources - The influence of the sea fetch. In: Wind engineering into the 21. century. Vol. 3. 10. International conference on wind engineering (10. ICWE), Copenhagen (DK), 21-24 Jun 1999. Larsen, A.; Larose, G.L.; Livesey, F.M. (eds.), (A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, 1999) p. 2005-2012
Mortensen, N.G.; Landberg, L.; Rathmann, O.; Nielsen, M.; Nielsen, P., A detailed and verified wind resource atlas for Denmark. In: Wind engineering into the 21. century. Vol. 3. 10. International conference on wind engineering (10. ICWE), Copenhagen (DK), 21-24 Jun 1999. Larsen, A.; Larose, G.L.; Livesey, F.M. (eds.), (A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, 1999) p. 2013-2018
Mann, J., Modelling of the spectral velocity tensor in complex terrain. In: Wind engineering into the 21. century. Vol. 1.10. International conference on wind engineering (10. ICWE), Copenhagen (DK), 21-24 Jun 1999. Larsen, A.; Larose, G.L.; Livesey, F.M. (eds.), (A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, 1999) p. 257-264