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Grid issues: Poland
Plans and Prospects
Offshore areas No dedicated areas. Most projects concentrated on the centern part of the coast. 2 wind farms with >100 MW planned east of the Gulf of Gdansk.
Planned offshore windpower 1.5 GW (filed applications & other possibilities)
timing No time schedule defined. Potentially 150 MW by 20
Transmission System
TSOs PSE-Operator S.A.
Control zones and operators PSE-Operator (entire country)
Synchronous Zone UCTE
Final electricity consumption (2002) [TWh] 137,0
Generation capacity (2002) [GW] 34,9
Peak load (2002) 23,86
Minimum load (2002) 14,66
Power Generation Portfolio [GW]
Nuclear 0,00
Thermal (non-nuclear) 32,69
Hydro 2,18
Wind 0,06
others 0,02
Offshore Power Injection
Suited Substations 400 kV: ZRC, SLK, DUN; 220 kV: DUN, PLC, REC
Substation Voltage today 450 kV, 220 kV, 110 kV
Offshore power limit TSO prepared study on possibilities of interconnection of wind parks to national grid. No specific treatment of offshore wind energy.
Grid issues
Grid code requirements
Balancing Responsibility of PSE-Operator. No direct participation of wind power producers in the balancing market. Short-term predictions obligatory for wind farms > 50 MW with penalties for deviations. New draft of Energy Law ammendement envisages separate treatment of wind energy.
Transmission bottlenecks N.A.
Necessary reinforcements N.A.
Timing of reinforcements N.A.
External Factors
other factors
Trans Border Capacities
Offshore Cable
Connection, first projects N.A.
Landing, first projects N.A.
Best option, long term N.A.
Connection and energy pricing
Connection charges for DG negotiated
Connection charges for offshore wind No differences between DG and offshore wind envisaged
Priority access for renewables Theoretically - yes
Minimum price No minimum price. Envisaged by the New Energy Law (not yet in force).

Webcontent © 2002
Updated September 2008