1. Description of the partner organisations:
2. Coordinator
3. Cluster Leaders
3.1: Garrad Hassan & Partners (2; GH; United Kingdom)
3.2: Kvaerner Oil & Gas, Ltd. (3; KOGL; United Kingdom)
3.3: EMU Energy & Environment Consultancy (5; EMU; Denmark)
3.4: Risø National Laboratory (6; Risø; Denmark )
3.5: TRACTEBEL Energy Engineering (14; TEE; Belgium )
4. Project Partners
4.1: Centro de Investigaciones Energeticas Medioambientales y Tecnologicas (7; CIEMAT; Spain )
4.2: Centre for Renewable Energy Sources (8; CRES; Greece )
4.3: German Wind Energy Institute (9; DEWI; Germany )
4.4: Germanischer Lloyd Windenergy (10; GL-Wind; Germany )
4.5: Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands (11; ECN; The Netherlands )
4.6: Espace Eolien Developpment (12; EED; France )
4.7: Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Environment (13; ENEA; Italy )
4.8: University College Cork (15; UCC; Ireland)
4.9: Vindkompaniet AB (16; VKAB; Sweden)
4.10: VTT Energy (17; VTT; Finland )
4.11: Baltic Energy Conservation Agency (18; BAPE; Poland)

1. Description of the partner organisations:
Section Wind Energy, Delft University of Technology (1; DUT; The Netherlands)

Cluster Leaders:
Garrad Hassan & Partners (2; GH; United Kingdom)
Kvaerner Oil & Gas, Ltd. (3; KOGL; United Kingdom)
EMU Energy & Environment Consultancy (5; EMU; Denmark)
Risø National Laboratory (6; Risø Denmark )
Tractebel Energy Engineering (14; TEE; Belgium )

Project Partners:
Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas (7; CIEMAT; Spain )
Centre for Renewable Energy Sources (8; CRES; Greece )
German Wind Energy Institute (9; DEWI; Germany )
Germanischer Lloyd Windenergy (10; GL-Wind; Germany )
Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands (11; ECN; The Netherlands )
Espace Eolien Developpement (12; EED; France )
Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Environment (13; ENEA; Italy )
University College Cork (15; UCC; Ireland)
Vindkompaniet AB (16; VKAB; Sweden)
VTT Energy (17; VTT; Finland )
Baltic Energy Conservation Agency (18; BAPE; Poland )

2. Coordinator
Section Wind Energy, Delft University of Technology (1; DUT; The Netherlands)
Within the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Delft University of Technology, the leading institution of higher technical education in the Netherlands, two groups are co-operating closely in the field of offshore wind energy: the Section Wind Energy (SWE, formally Institute for Wind Energy) and the Workgroup Offshore Technology (WOT). The extent of the collaboration has grown over the last five years and the two groups have worked closely together within the JOULE III project Opti?OWECS ("Structural and Economic Optimisation of Bottom?Mounted Offshore Wind Energy Converters") JOR3?CT95?0087, which was co-ordinated by the SWE. Within the proposed project both groups will act as one contractor, denoted Delft University of Technology, under the lead of the Section Wind Energy.

The Section Wind Energy (previously Institute for Wind Energy) has been involved in wind energy research and education since 1976 and has experimental facilities in an open jet wind tunnel as well as an open air test facility. The theoretical research is focused on integrated offshore windfarm and windpark design, airfoil and rotor aerodynamics, turbulent wind field description and structural dynamics.

Since 1992, offshore wind energy has been an increasingly important research subject for the section, leading to the development of a design tool for offshore wind turbines: DUWECS. Recently, the application of this code to actual offshore wind energy converters has been demonstrated for the first Dutch offshore wind farm Lely. Moreover, operational & maintenance as well as structural and economic optimisation of OWECS are subjects of previous and ongoing research. The section has ample experience in both theoretical and experimental research and project coordination gained through a number of European R&D projects within the framework of JOULE, such as the European Opti-OWECS (co-ordinator), OWTES (principal contractor), OWEE (co-ordinator) and NewGust (co-ordinator) projects.

3. Cluster Leaders
3.1 Garrad Hassan & Partners (2; GH; United Kingdom)
Garrad Hassan and Partners was established in 1984 to answer a growing need for independent expert advice on wind energy. The company now employs 40 people working full time on wind energy and is recognised as a leading authority on the subject. It has offices in England, Scotland, Germany, The Netherlands, Australia and New Zealand.
The company has one major rule of operation which is that it has no equity stake in any development or machine and works purely on a consultancy basis. It counts amongst its clients most of the major wind turbine manufacturers and developers worldwide. During 1998 the company was active in 14 different countries from Iceland to Azerbaijan, from New Zealand to Norway. The work undertaken by Garrad Hassan ranges from detailed design analysis for manufacturers, through general RTD for the European Commission and the UK government, to matters of energy policy, market surveys, wind farm development services, regional studies and also due diligence work for banks and insurance companies. The company has acted as Bankfs or Ownerfs Engineer for over 1,000 MW of wind farms worldwide.
In 1996 Garrad Hassan released gBladed for Windowsh, a software package developed with the support of the European Commission and which is now becoming the industry standard for wind turbine design and analysis. This software has recently been extended to enable design calculations for offshore wind turbines taking into account combined wind and wave loading. In addition, since 1996, the company has been supplying an integrated hardware and software system, gT-MONh, for the measurement of structural loading and response of wind turbines. Finally, in 1998, the computer package gWindFarmerh was released for the design, optimisation and analysis of wind farms.
Garrad Hassan has been heavily involved in the European Commissionfs Non Nuclear Energy Programme working on all aspects of wind energy research, development and demonstration. This activity has led to constructive collaboration with many different European partners.

3.2 Kvaerner Oil & Gas, Ltd. (3; KOGL; United Kingdom)
Kvaerner is an international diversified business group. The group is active in more than 100 countries, employs over 54,000 people world?wide and has annual operating revenues exceeding EURO 10 billion. Oil and Gas forms one of six core business areas. Kvaerner Oil & Gas Ltd (KOGL) is one of the world's leading suppliers of offshore platforms. Through its acquisition of consultants Earl and Wright, KOGL offers fifty years of experience of structural and marine engineering and a world wide reputation for the design of offshore structures. As a designer of offshore structures, KOGL's services include expertise in environmental loading, static and dynamic structural response, fatigue behaviour, geotechnical design, naval architecture and marine engineering for installation, materials behaviour, systems engineering and project management. KOGL are active protagonists of offshore wind power and are engaged in various European wind energy projects including the Joule III.3 project OWTES gDesign Methods for Offsh
ore Wind Turbines at Exposed Sitesh.

3.3 EMU Energy & Environment Consultancy (5; EMU; Denmark)
EMU is a concultancy who deals with advice and project management within the area: market and product development and export. EMU has national and international references the area: energy-, environmental- and building technology. EMU is owned and managed by Hans Chr. Soerensen. In case of larger activities: EMU is working together with a network of dedicated specialists from The Technical Universities in Denmark, The Business School of Copenhagen and the different Danish Institutes of Technologies.
EMU has been involved in the planing and public acceptance of several large energy plants (district heating, coal fired power plants, incineration plants, wind farms and biomass energy plants). EMU has experience from participation in international R&D work as co-ordinator of EU projects and projects within the industry for more than 25 years.
EMU has extensive experience related to the project:
- 1998-99 Feasibility study of the establishment of an off shore Wind Farm, 22.5 MW, situated outside Sams?.
- 1997-00 Test program and Project co-ordination of the Wave Dragon, an Offshore Wave Energy Converter. EU Exploratory Award, Danish Energy Agency and EU Joule Craft.
- 1996-99 Feasibility study of the establishment of Middelgrunden off shore Wind Farm, 40 MW, situated outside Copenhagen.
- 1996-97 Analysis of the EU strategy concerned with industrial application of advanced energy technology. The EU project: ATLAS.
- 1997 Establishment of Lynetten Wind Farm, 3 MW, situated at Copenhagen Harbour.
- 1996 Evaluation of the JOULE and THERMIE Program, 5 year assessment.
- 1982 Establishment of the Information office for Renewable Energy Sources and the Testing Station for Solar Heating at DTI, Denmark.
- 1987-95 Chairman of the Ministry of Energy's Board concerning R & D within production and distribution of heat and electricity

3.4 Risø National Laboratory (6; Risø; Denmark )
The Department of Wind Energy and Atmospheric Physics at Risø National Laboratories has a long history of wind energy research and extensive knowledge of all aspects hereof, ranging from wind resource studies (WASP, The European Wind Atlas), testing and certification of wind turbines, and field measurements on single wind turbines and wind farms to research in coastal and other terrain inhomogeneities as well as offshore situations. During recent years much research has been centred around offshore wind resources, participating in a number of EU-projects in this area (JOUR-CT93-0350, Measurements and modelling of offshore wind farms, JOR2-CT93-0325, Wind resources in the Baltic Sea, and JOR3-CT95-0087, Cost-optimizing large-scale offshore wind farms). Risø is presently undertaking extensive offshore measurements (in cooperation with SEAS at five offshore sites) in the Danish areas designated for large offshore wind farms and performing research aimed at obtaining better understanding of the win
d resource in near coastal areas.

3.5 TRACTEBEL Energy Engineering (14; TEE; Belgium )
The Group TRACTEBEL is a global energy and services business and is active in over 100 countries in the fields of electricity and gas, and engineering services. With a strong financial structure, an international network of 60,000 employees and a fund of technical expertise, TRACTEBEL is well established as a global energy and services business. The Group turnover amounted to 11.073 EURO in 1998.
TRACTEBEL Energy Engineering (TEE), offers world-wide customer-oriented services which cover a full range of Engineering, from Feasibility studies to Engineering, procurements and Construction contracts, including Operational Support services and Consultancy, in the fields of Fossil-fired Power Generation Plants, Nuclear Power Stations and Installations, Power Networks, Energy Services and Renewable Energy Facilities.
Since a few years, TEE has co-ordinated all activities related to renewable energies into the Business Development department and is particularly developing the necessary skills in the area of wind energy (both onshore and offshore), by combining the existing expertise in GIS techniques, network integration with wind specific tools for macro-and micrositing of Wind Energy Convertors.(e.g. WAsP, WIND FARMER, etc.).
Belgium, further to the guidelines expressed in the European Commissionfs White Book (1997), is taking actions in order to increase the use of renewable energies in the country. Amongst other things, the federal authority aims to soon define the future legal framework allowing the development of offshore wind energy parks in the North Sea. It will give to all interested organisations the opportunity to get offshore concessions.
TEE, beyond the leadership of the study, is responsible for all technical and economic aspects of the study except for the foundation works.
For its input in this Concerted Action, TEE will co-operate with the Belgian utility ELECTRABEL.

4. Project Partners
4.1 Centro de Investigaciones Energeticas Medioambientales y Tecnologicas (7; CIEMAT; Spain )
The Department for Renewable Energies (DER), belonging to CIEMAT, has the responsibility to lead the renewable energies R&D activities in Spain. The Resources and Systems Area of CIEMAT/DER is working since 1988 in the field of prospection and characterization of the wind energy sources:
- Site selection for wind farms.
- Site assessment techniques.
- Wind farm design and energy production analysis.
- Turbulence studies.
CIEMAT/DER has participated in several JOULE, THERMIE and APAS projects. Some of them were related to the distribution and characterization of the wind resources over Spain. Apart of these projects, CIEMAT/DER carries out studies for private and public companies and local governments in the area of wind energy.

Experience of CIEMAT of particular relevance for this project includes:
? Wind resources assessment all over Spain including offshore areas.
? To define methodologies to study the wind as an energy source, and apply them to the different situations in Spain : high complex & low complex terrain, offshore areas, etc.

4.2 Centre for Renewable Energy Sources (8; CRES; Greece )
CRES is the Greek national research centre for renewable energies. Additionally it is the wind turbine certifying authority in the country and a member of ECWETS. The general objectives of CRES are the promotion of renewable energy, the research and development on renewable energy systems through close co-operation with similar research centres, universities and industry and the dissemination of information.

The CRES Wind Energy program is involved in a number of research projects through national and European funding, dealing with all aspects of wind energy: wind potential, wind turbine systems and wind energy integration. In this context participation of CRES in the concerted action is of strategic importance for the development of the large potential of offshore wind energy also existing in Greece.

4.3 German Wind Energy Institute (9; DEWI; Germany )
DEWI established in 1990 by the Federal State Lower Saxony is one of the leading enterprises in the wind energy specific service industry. It engages in general and applied RTD activities for the European Union, the national and regional government as well as for industrial associations. From site assessment through wind energy specific training courses to due diligence work DEWI's offers a wide range of commercial services to manufacturers and developers in all relevant fields of wind energy application. In all its activities DEWI works on a pure consultancy basis taking no equity interest in any of the projects pursued.

DEWI is member of MEASNET and has obtained accreditation according DIN EN 45.001 for a number of its commercial services since 1994. The accreditation applies to DEWI's measurement and assessment services encompassing site assessment, mechanical load, noise, anemometer calibration and power quality measurements. The degree of professionalism obtained has led to DEWI's involvement in the design and planning of numerous wind farms accounting for more than 500 MW installed capacity.

As a limited liability company (GmbH) based in Wilhelmshaven, Germany, DEWI employs currently 29 staff members, among them 12 engineers, 5 physicists and 2 economists. In response to the rapid globalisation of wind energy exploitation and the growing demand on wind energy specific engineering expertise the company is heavily engaged in markets inside and outside of the EU, beside others in Spain and Turkey. With 20% of DEWI's turnover acquired on the Spanish market the company is expanding and is currently establishing an office in Spain.

To date DEWI has successfully participated in a long row of national and international applied research projects in various fields of wind energy utilisation with relevance for offshore wind energy utilisation. In this respect DEWI's activities include:

- wind energy potential assessment,
- load assessment and grid integration
- development of installation configurations based on energetic and acoustic optimisation calculations,
- economic analysis and planning permission expertises
- development of measurement techniques
- development of specialised training programmes.

In acknowledgement of the need to develop offshore wind energy in Germany and in order to obtain the largest possible contribution of wind energy to the coverage of Germany's electricity demand a special focus has been given to offshore wind energy during the recent national wind energy conference DEWEK'98 organised by DEWI. Due to its reputation DEWI is in the position to play an important role in the process of developing Germany's off-shore potential by mediation between politicians, utilities, possible operators, nature protecting organisations and the wind turbine manufacturers.

4.4 Germanischer Lloyd Windenergy (10; GL-Wind; Germany )
Germanischer Lloyd (GL), established in 1867, is an independent international non-profit organisation for ship classification, safety and quality control. GL offers a wide range of technical expertise to industry throughout the world, including surveying and certification of safety of ships, wind turbines, offshore structures and other industrial units, as well as certification of Quality Systems. Within these fields GL establishes standards, guidelines and regulations for design, construction, survey and certification.
GL has been working in wind energy certification since 1977 and has been accredited as a certification body for wind turbines since 1993. Within the field GL is one of the leading certification bodies. Several research projects have been successfully completed in the field of wind energy, both on a national and an international level. Based upon the JOULE I project ?Study on Offshore Wind Energy in the EUg (JOUR 0072) GL has published the only existing Regulations for Certification for Offshore Wind Energy Conversion Systems. The verification and if required extension of this standard is one objective of the ongoing JOULE III project ?Design Methods for Offshore Wind Turbines at Exposed Sitesg (JOR3-98-0284) at which GL is participating among other partners of the concerted action.
Germanischer Lloyd has considerable experience in offshore structures and published a number of papers on problems related to offshore, wind and offshore wind. The current involvement in the field is related to the a. m. EU-project as well as certifications (design appraisals) of offshore wind turbines.

4.5 Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands (11; ECN; The Netherlands )
The Energy research Centre of the Netherlands ECN at Petten is an independent market-orientated organisation for research, development, consultancy and knowledge transfer in energy and related fields. With sustainable development as a guiding principle ECN develops and markets technologies and products for a safe, efficient and environmentally friendly energy supply. ECN works for the national and international industry and energy sector as well as for government and government organisations. Its R&D is focused on seven priority fields: energy policy studies, efficient use of energy and materials in industry and in the built environment, solar energy, wind energy, energy from biomass, and clean use of fossil fuels.
ECN performs nuclear R&D, including medical applications, through its (joint ECN-KEMA) subsidiary NRG, the Nuclear Research and consultancy Group.
ECN employs 950 staff, NRG included, with an annual turnover of 90 million Euro.
ECN's research results are published in a number of report series, each series serving a different public, from a single industrial contractor to the international scientific world.
The missions of ECN are:
- Through short- and long-term oriented research and development, we contribute to greater energy efficiency, the implementation of renewable energy and the reduction of environmentally harmful emissions from fossil fuels.
- As technology developer, we strengthen, together with trade and industry, the synergy between the market and sustainability.
- As an international knowledge centre in the field of energy, we create, together with universities, new knowledge, and ensure the transfer of that knowledge to society.

Wind energy is one of the 7 priority areas of the Energy research Centre of the Netherlands. Since the beginning in 1975 ECN Wind Energy has grown to 45 professional employees today, covering more or less all the disciplines involved in wind energy. Our purpose is to stimulate wind energy by further increasing the cost-performance ratio and enhancing the value of wind energy. ECN Wind Energy has a close co-operation with Delft University of Technology. Together we form the third largest knowledge centre in the world, offering a unique combination of renowned expertise and facilities equipped to the need of project developers, manufacturers and operators/owners of wind energy plants nationally and internationally.
In different ways offshore is present in most of ECNfs activities. They range from the design of offshore wind turbines, characterisation of sites and wind and wave loading, monitoring and control of offshore wind farms, cost and potential studies of wind energy at sea, transport of electricity to the shore and transport, installation and foundation techniques.

Other activities are amongst others: turbine, blade and farm design, aerodynamic and aero-elastic analysis, site assessment, designing turbine control systems, developing operation and maintenance strategies and monitoring programs, designing software packages, investigating grid connection aspects and performing various measurements. ECN has experience in techno-economic audits commissioned by potential investors offering insight in risks and opportunities.

Over the years, ECNfs wind group has participated in a wide range of research projects, both nationally and internationally. These include studies on the offshore application of wind energy. In this field ECN has co-operated in a conceptual study for floating platforms with the University College of London and W.S. Atkins of the UK. ECN was also involved in the Dutch eNear Shore Wind Farmf study that was concluded recently and that will probably result in the construction of a 100 MW wind farm near the Dutch coast. At the same time ECN is putting a considerable effort in updating its design and analysis tools for off-shore applications.

4.6 Espace Eolien Developpment (12; EED; France )
Espace Eolien Developpement - EED - is a private and independent company providing consultancy and technical assistance in the wind energy field. This company, created in 1992, was based on more than 10 years of experience in the field of wind energy.
EED has numerous and diversified references (communities, private companies)
in a large range of wind projects (remote site wind turbine, wind farming).
EED is currently working in France, in overseas departments and in developing countries.
EED is involved in large projects like the 2.7 MW wind farm in Dunkirk or the 7.5 MW wind farm in Salleles-Limousis. 36 MW are currently under development with partners like CEGELEC, SPIE or JEUMONT.
In the field of offshore wind energy, EED is currently carrying out a feasibility study for the Regional Council of Nord-Pas de Calais. The first phase has been done (wind potential analysis, sites definition, etc.) and the second phase (definition of two projects) is on-going. EED has also advanced contacts with Brittany (Brest) to start an offshore study.
Collaborations with major companies like JEUMONT (Framatome group, developing a gearless wind turbine with the support under THERMIE) or major companies like Shell Renewable and Total Energie D?veloppment has enabled EED to submit an offshore wind project (7.5 MW project for demonstration purpose in Dunkerque) in the EOLE 2005 french wind programme. The action is supported by ADEME, the French Energy Agency and by the regional Council of Nord-Pas de Calais

4.7 Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Environment (13; ENEA; Italy )
ENEA is the Italian organisation acting in the sector of energy, environment and new technology. In fact ENEAfs activities concern, among other things, the development of renewable energy sources and relative technologies.
In the wind energy sector ENEA is operating since the beginning of the eighties. Currently 30 people are involved in this field.
Project manager for the concerted action will be Dr Ing G. Gaudiosi. He is a Ph.D. in naval and mechanical engineering and employed at ENEA since 1961. Since the beginning of the eighties he has been involved in wind energy activities covering different roles in the ENEA Energy Dept. at Casaccia centre in Rome: Head of Wind Energy Programme, Manager of contracts to Industries (Aeritalia/Alenia, Riva Calconzi, etc.), Head of Unit Wind Energy Applications in developing countries, Senior energy expert in Direction of Energy Saving Sector. At present he is Assistant of the Division Director of Renewable Sources of Energy.
In 1994 and 1997 he has organised the European Seminar OWEMES (Offshore Wind Energy in Mediterranean and Other European Seas).

4.8 University College Cork (15; UCC; Ireland)
was founded in 1845and in 1908 it became one of the three constituent Colleges of the National University of Ireland. Its degrees are conferred by the National University and are internationally recognised. The College has eight faculties and sixty departments to cater for a great diversity of studies in the humanities, the sciences and the professional disciplines. The number of students attending UCC has increased from 1,500 to nearly 11,000 over the past thirty years.
Since 1979, UCC has been involved in research into new and renewable energy technologies. Currently UCC has leading edge expertise across 6 Departments and 2 Research Centres, in areas of key strategic importance to Ireland, to the E.U. and globally. The researchers have an impressive track record in securing funding from the E.U. Fourth Framework Programme. This expertise is recognised both at national and E.U. level, with a number of researchers regularly called on to advise in relation to policy and technological development.
Staff at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at UCC have co-ordinated and been involved in a number of JOULE, THEMIE and Altener funded projects in the field of renewable energy.

4.9 Vindkompaniet AB (16; VKAB; Sweden)
Vindkompaniet AB is an international wind farm developer with its base at Gotland, Sweden.
The roots of the company lay in the year 1989 when the Danish idea cooperative ownership of wind turbines was brought to Gotland. Between the registration of Vindkompaniet in March 1991 and today eight associations based upon co?ownership are now founded thanks of Vindkompaniet. Ten percent of the households on Gotland are members in a windco?op. This widespread ownership has been of great importance for peopleLs attitude to windpower in general. Up to now Vindkompaniet has realised approximately 70 wind turbines.
During the winter of 1997 Vindkompaniet has commissioned SwedenLs first offshore wind farm with a capacity of 5 times 500 kW, 4 km outside the coast of Gotland. The plant is a demonstration project and is supported by the European Programme THERMIE. The investment costs of the farm are 4,85 SEK/kWh/year, which is 20% more expensive than the best onshore plants like 20 x 500 kW plant N?sudden V?st on Gotland. Based on experience from Bockstigen-Valar, Vindkompaniet has started development of a number of greater ( 10 - 40 kW ) off shore plants. The first one is planned to be erected during the second half of 1998.
Vindkompaniet is associated to a number of subsidiary companies in Sweden and the United Kingdom: Wind Company UK Ltd., Gotlands Vindkraftsservice AB, Haugraini Ltd.
Vindkompaniet is since April 1, 1999 a subsidiary of the Danish NEG Micon group

4.10 VTT Energy (17; VTT; Finland )
VTT is a governmental contract research centre with staff of 2,915 persons. The total budget is 191 million Euros. (Income from contract research is 73 million Euros, income from contract research with joint budget financing is 42 million and own-initiated budget financing is 60 million Euros.) VTT's clients and co-operation partners are industrial enterprises, other companies and business, universities and research institutes well as government bodies. VTT produces new applied technology in co-operation with foreign partners. VTT Energy is one of the nine research institutes of Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT). VTT EnergyLs mission is to carry out high-quality and impartial research and product development work concerning the generation, transfer, distribution, and use of energy. The total staff of VTT Energy is 312.

The wind energy group of VTT employs currently six full time research scientists. The scientific work follows two lines; the development of specific components for wind turbines and technical research related to promoting wind energy deployment. In component development VTT is collaborating with Finnish industry manufacturing gears, generators, and steel structures for wind turbines. The promoting research contains monitoring and measurements, grid calculations, system integration, national wind energy statistics and feasibility studies for e.g. offshore wind energy. The core competence lies in adapting wind turbines for arctic conditions, especially icing.

VTT Energy has conducted two offshore feasibility and potential studies in Finland: in 1993 a concept of semi?offshore was studied, with the installation of wind turbines to small islands and cliffs with offshore installation techniques. In 1997, the feasibility of North?western coastal areas with considerable ice loads to foundations was studied.

4.11 Baltic Energy Conservation Agency (18; BAPE; Poland)
BAPE is a non profit Agency, located in Gdansk delivering services on energy conservation and renewable energy. Its activities include:
- consultancy on rational energy management in the region.
- development of energy conservation and or renewable energy projects
- collaboration with National Agency for Energy Conservation (NAEC):
- small and medium size CHP implementation,
- initiation and implantation of research and development projects.
- financial support of energy-saving investments.
- dissemination of information about rational energy use.
- co-operation with international organisations leading to exchange of experience.
- Information, promotion and education activities.

BAPE has performed numerous energy audits in Gda?sk and surrounding area, organised seminars, workshops and meetings on dissemination of rational use of energy in industry and urban sector and organised courses for energy consultants.
Regarding renewable energy, the situation in Poland is still in an early stage and this is particularly true for wind energy. BAPE is a member of the Polish Society of Wind Energy. BAPE mainly implemented biomass projects, for example Gda?sk - Wieniec - straw combustion - 500kW, Rybina near Stegna - straw combustion - 350 kW, Wejherowo - wood waste combustion - 6.5 MW, several implementation of straw combustion in agricultural households.
Webcontent © 2002 www.offshorewindenergy.org
Updated September 2008